Western Mongolia & Golden Eagle Festival /2018/

Day 1: Oct 2 —Arrive in UB
Arrive in UB and transfer to Hotel
Our driver meet upon your arrival in UB and transfer to hotel. Few hours city sightseeing if we have time and traditional folk and dance performance, Dinner at the restaurant. Overnight in 3* hotel

Day 2: Oct 3 –  Flight to Ulgii. Drive to Altai Tavanbogd National Park and Khoton Khurgan lake 
After breakfast at hotel, you will transfer to the airport and take 3 and a half hours flight to the capital of the Bayan-Ulgii province, Ulgii city. From there you will be driven to Khoton/Khurgan Lake, which is nestled at 2800 meters, in the northern part of the Altai mountain range. The high capped peaks and the glacial moraines surrounding represent 1341 million square meters.  The greenish and greyish colors of the waters contrasts with the magnificent snowcapped summits.  Overnight in the tent camp (B+L+D)

Day 3: Oct 4 –  Khoton Khurgan lake hiking day 
Pleasant day hiking on a tree-filled, shady path. We see many herds of goats and yaks peacefully grazing nearby the yurts. View on beautiful Khurgan lake. Then we find a more arid steppe in the last meters before arriving at our camp, near the river located in a basin.  Overnight in the tent camp (B+L+D)

Day 4: Oct 5 – Khoton Lake to Ulgii 
We will head back to capital city of the Province: Olgii. we settle in a Kazakh yurts camp where we can enjoy some comfort.  After few hours rest, we start sightseeing though the Ulgii city, visit the local History Museum, craftwork, local bazar, where you can see a lot of beautiful Kazakh carpets.  Overnight in the tourist camp (B+L+D)

Day 5: Oct 6— The Golden Eagle Festival – Opening Ceremony / Competition
 The official opening ceremony commences with up to 80 participants parading in on horseback with their magnificent golden eagles. The competition begins with each Kazakh displaying his hunting outfit and accessories.  A fantastic opportunity for photographers and adventurers alike to see these magnificent birds up close.  The first event is the eagle catching fox skin dragged behind a horse, returning to their owner from a distance on command, as well as a camel race and Kazakh games of Tiyn Teru (a race to pick up a coin on the ground while on horseback), Kyz Kuar (“girl chase,” a man and woman race on horseback while the woman whips the man), and Kokpar (tug of war over a goat carcass while on horseback).   
Overnight in ger camp. (B, L, D) 

Day 6: Oct 7 – Competition / Awards Ceremony
Another unforgettable day, experience the Golden Eagle Festival’s colorful parades and thrilling competitions. The Golden Eagles will be released from a cliff to attack fox skins that will be dragged behind a horse. In the evening prizes are given to the winner of each event plus prizes for best dressed man, woman, and child, enjoy a celebration dinner, you are invited to attend a special performance of traditional Kazakh dance, song, and music, arranged for the competition participants. 
Overnight in Ger Camp (B, L, D)

Day 7: Oct 8—Fly back to UB
After breakfast at the camp, transfer to the airport and fly to UB approx.3 hrs. Transfer to Hotel. You may choose an optional city tour where you will be taken to souvenir and cashmere shops before enjoying an evening and farewell dinner (B+D)
O/N 3* Hotel

Day 8: Oct 9—International flights
Transfer to the airport and departure for international airport.